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You need:

  • The vehicle’s registration certificate (both technical and notification parts)
  • Your ID

Only the owner is entitled to scrap a vehicle. Therefore, the vehicle’s last holder must be able to prove their identity. If the person scrapping a vehicle is not the owner, then that person must present a power of attorney signed by the owner of the vehicle.

Power of attorney (pdf)

Necessary documents

Most take-back points can arrange for the transportation of the vehicle. The transportation may be subject to a fee determined by the take-back point.

When an end-of-life vehicle has been received at a treatment facility, the last holder of the vehicle is issued a certificate of destruction and the vehicle is entered into the recycling system. The vehicle is automatically removed from the register and the collection of annual vehicle tax is terminated as soon as the system has sent a notification to the Finnish Transport Safety Agency (Trafi). The system also notifies the insurance company for the termination of the insurance. Deregistering an end-of-life vehicle does not cost anything to the last owner.

When the last holder of the vehicle is issued a certificate of destruction, the vehicle has been entered into the recycling system and can no longer be commissioned to traffic.

If a registered vehicle has no documents, the take-back point will check its data from Trafi. If the owner of an end-of-life vehicle suspects that the vehicle documents are incomplete, we recommend contacting the take-back point for instructions.

The take-back point is entitled to charge the owner for costs incurred in disposing of the rubbish.

Finnish Car Recycling only handles the scrapping of cars in mainland Finland. Fordonsmyndigheten handles the scrapping in Åland, so you need to contact them, if you want to recycle a car in Åland.