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Necessary documents

Front pageRecycle your carNecessary documents

Take these with you when you scrap your car:

  • The vehicle’s registration certificate (both technical and notification parts)
  • Your ID

Only the owner is entitled to scrap a vehicle. Therefore, the vehicle’s last holder must be able to prove their identity.

If you are the owner of the car, but the car is not registered in your name, look for the deed of sale/certificate of transfer.

If the person scrapping a vehicle is not the owner, then that person must present a power of attorney signed by the owner of the vehicle. If the car has more than one registered owner, a power of attorney is required from all owners.

Download the power of attorney here >>

Can I take a vehicle for scrapping if its documents are missing?

If a registered vehicle has no documents, the take-back point will check its data from The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom. If the owner of an end-of-life vehicle suspects that the vehicle documents are incomplete, we recommend contacting the take-back point for instructions.

How to scrap a car under the control of the heir?

If the inheritance distribution of the estate has been completed, the person named in the inheritance distribution book has ownership rights to the vehicle. This also applies to the right to scrap the vehicle. In this case, the distribution book and the identity card of the person bringing the car to the scrapping must be presented.

If the division of inheritance has not been completed, anyone from the estate can take the car for recycling. At the same time, he/she takes responsibility that everyone’s wishes come true. It’s a good idea to take a copy of the land registry with the page where the members of the estate are listed and the page where the vehicle is mentioned. (if the vehicle is mentioned in the registration book).


Do you have any questions?

Is scrapping a car free?
And what documents do I need for scrapping?
We collected the most frequently asked questions related to car recycling and the answers to them on one page.

Contact us!

If you can’t find the answer to your questions on our website, you can contact us using the contact form on our website.